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러시아 "International Data Analysis Olympiad for students and graduates" 알림

Submitted by Editor on 26 December 2017

National Research University ≪Higher School of Economics≫ (Russia) and Harbour.Space University (Spain) would like to inform you, that we are inviting students from our partner universities to participate in International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO).

created by leading experts in data analysis for their future colleagues, aims to bring together analysts, scientists, professionals, and junior researchers from all over the world on a single platform. This is the first time an event of this scale will be held in Russia. The HSE Faculty of Computer Science, Yandex and Harbour.Space University organize the Olympiad with the support of Sberbank.

Complex tasks in data analysis and additional requirements for a model's performance will make the IDAO attractive for both participants in machine learning competitions and for sports programming enthusiasts. Moreover, people with different training analysts and developers, for example will be able to serve on teams together to create more advanced and relevant solutions.

The International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO)
consists of two stages. The first, remote online qualifying round will be held on the Yandex.Contest platform from January 15 to February 11, 2018, and will feature two tracks. The first track is a traditional competition in machine learning.  The task of the second track is to develop a solution for the same problem that fits into a tight timeframe and the memory used. The IDAO website will publish a table with the results and a list of finalists no later than February 18, 2018. 

30 teams will be invited to compete in Moscow. The olympiad organizing committee will covers finalists’ accommodation and board expenses. The second, onsite tour will be held in April 2018 at the central headquarters of Yandex. Over the 36 hours of competition, participants will try not only to get up to speed on the model, but to create a full-fledged prototype that will be tested both in terms of accuracy and performance.

For winners, valuable prizes will be awarded, with both Higher School of Economics and Harbour. Space University offering special awards. Students from outside of Russia will have an opportunity to join a Master's degree programme at HSE, within the Faculty of Computer Science, free of charge. From Harbour.Space University, a 29,000 EUR scholarship will be offered, which also covers living costs in Barcelona, for graduate and undergraduate degrees. 


As part of the onsite round of the olympiad, speeches and workshops by international experts in machine learning and data analysis are also planned.

All the details on how to participate in International Data Analysis Olympiad  can be found on the website.


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