독일 협정교인 RWTH Aachen University에서 Research Fellowship 지원자를 모집하니 관심있는 학생들의 지원 바랍니다.
1. 프로그램 명: RWTH Aachen University Research Fellowship Korea
2. 내용: The RWTH Aachen University Research Fellowship Korea invites Master and PhD students from top-level universities to do research at one of the university’s labs. In order to be eligible for the Fellowship worth 3.000€, the minimum duration of the research stay at RWTH is three months.
Students must apply five months prior to their planned stay.
3. 웹페이지 주소: www.rwth-aachen.de/korea/researchfellowship
4. 지원서류:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Statement of Purpose with information on special research project work and RWTH-Supervisor
- Transcript of Grades
- Proof of English skills
- Certificate of Enrolment
- a Recommendation Letter of a supervisor at the home university
- the Confirmation of Supervision (RWTH) and the Application Form, both available at www.rwth-aachen.de/korea/researchfellowship
5. 지원 방법:
위 지원서류들을 RWTH Aachen University 담당자인 Ms. Malin Praktiknjo (the International Office)에게 이메일(malin.praktiknjo@zhv.rwth-aachen.de)로 제출
첨부. RWTH Korea Research FellowshipS flyer
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