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2013-2 S-CARD Issuance Information

Submitted by Editor on 4 September 2013

2013-2 Semester Freshman S-CARD Service Information

1. S-CARD: Types and Functions (*Mobile Student Card is only available after issuance of S-CARD)



Application Period

Application Process




(ID + Bank Card)


allows for:

1. Entrance to key facilities including the library

2. Various discounts when using S-CARD at campus cafeterias.

3. SNU Money : Electronic money used exclusively at SNU

4. Banking Function : Check Card

K-CASH : Purchase of Meal Tickets, copy/printing payment

2013.08. 28


2 days after payment of tuition

S-CARD issuance


1. Enter and complete site registration

2. On the my.SNU site's menu bar under SNU support, click S-card for more information.

3. Visit NH Bank on campus to obtain your ID check card.


5. After receiving your issued S-CARD, visit the Student Service Center of Student Affairs at Bldg. 67, Rm. 201 to complete registration. Bring your Alien Registration Card

For those

wanting to replace their Student Card (S-CARD) with an Electronic ID Check Card from NH Bank, please use the same identification (profile) picture (3x4) from your entrance application and sent it to email:

Mobile Student Card





allows for:

1. Entrance to key facilities including the library (book rentals)

2. for discounts, purchases of meal tickets

Student Card Services

(Issuance, entrance to facilities, library services, etc.)

Mobile Student Card be used at various places on SNU campus (library, restaurant, convenient


Cultural Calendar

SNU Money: can be used exclusively on campus



(After issuance of S-CARD)

Mobile S-CARD Issuance Procedure

1. Please download the S-Card Application from

Google Play Store or. App Store and open it.

3. After opening the app, please register/log-in.

4. Lastly, click on the S-CARD icon.


my.SNU Portal

Account Registration

Utilize through the smart phone’s

NFC/QR Barcode


2. Registration for usage

Upon receiving your issued S-CARD, please register online: website or through the Mobile App (S-CARD)

3. Fee for registration of new S-CARD

In case of any “Loss” or “Damage” to your S-CARD: 1000 KRW charge.

In case of any “Damage” to the IC chip on the S-CARD: Free of charge with return of damaged S-CARD.

4. Submission of personal information before application.

- Foreign students must submit their correct personal information to their corresponding Department in SNU before applying for the S-CARD.

For any inquiries: Please visit the Student Service Center at Bldg. #67 (Doore Cultural Center), Rm. 201 or call 880-5248 (Issuance) / 880-5249 (Use of facilities or other card errors).


  Mobile S-CARD Service Information


1. Mobile S-CARD

Mobile S-CARDS can be utilized with a smart phone’s NFC application feature and/or the QR barcode application for access to key building, for access to the library and its services, and can also be used for personal identification. Students and Personnel are elegible to utilize the mobie S-CARD service upon registration at my.SNU portal.

2. Procedure to Install Mobile S-CARD

S-CARD issuance -> download and open Student CARD App (Google Play Store/App Store) -> after loading and opening App, login -> click on S-CARD icon -> click on ? icon

3. SNU Money (Electronic Cash used exclusively on campus)

Issuance Candidate: Mobile S-CARD candidate who intends on using SNU Money.

Issue Procedure: At the S-CARD homepage (, accept the “SNU money clause” to allow permission of recharge (deposit) for SNU S-CARD virtual account from NH Bank.  

Methods of recharging virtual account: To recharge your SNU virtual account, deposit money by either phone banking and/or CD/ATM to automatically recharge your account. 

Verification of S-CARD recharge: at Home Page (Web or App) 

Functions of S-CARD: Cafeteria, SNU convenient store, gift coupons, copy machines/printers, book rental late fees, laptop rentals, etc.

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