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Model ITU Plenipotentiary Conference

Submitted by Editor on 22 August 2013

The 2013 Model ITU Plenipotentiary Conference


- Announcement for graduates and undergraduates in Korea -


Join us inthe 2013 Model ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, celebrating 365 days before the actual 2014 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (ITU PP-14) is held on Oct next year!

The 2013 Model ITU Plenipotentiary Conference(Model ITU PP-13)will be held at Choi Jong-Hyun Hall in KAIST, College of Business in Seoul on 18 Oct 2013.


Date : October 18th (Friday) 2013, 10:00-18:00

Venue : Choi Jong-Hyun Hall, KAIST College of Business in Seoul

(Address : 85 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun-Gu, Seoul)


o Students enrolled in universities or graduate schools in Korea(ex KAIST, KDI school)

o Enable to speak in English and to attend the actual conference(Oct 18th) and pre-meetings(Sep 13th, Sep 27th, Oct 11th)

* Official language for the conference is English.


Deadline for Application

o For Participant

- Application Period : from Aug 21th(Wed) to Aug 30th(Fri), 2013

- Quota : only 40 students

* Secretariat of 2013 Model ITU PP Conference will contact applicants individually after document screening.

* Additional points for an applicant who submit letter of recommendation of dean or academic advisor.

* Any foreign students who is attending university or graduate school in Korea will acquire a priority to be a representative of their own countries.

o For Visitor(Observer)

- Submit applications : from Sep 4th(Wed) to Sep 25th(Wed), 2013

- Quota : 40 students including Foreign Language High Schools in Korea

* Secretariat of 2013 Model-ITU PP will reserve the seats only for 40 firstcomers.



o Notice for Short-listed Interviewee Candidates: Sep 2th(Mon)

o Interview: Sep 10th(Tue) *Venue : KAIT (near Gangnam St. in Seoul)

o Orientation: Sep 13th(Fri)

o Pre Meeting for Agenda Discussion : Sep 27th(Fri)

o Rehearsal for the Conference : Oct 11th(Fri)

o the Model ITU PP Conference : Oct 18th(Fri)

* Venue for Orientation, pre-meeting, rehearsal and the Conference will be KAIST College of Business in Seoul. (


Agenda : "The effective methods of treating e-waste from telecommunication and information technology equipment.“



o One or two student(s) will be a representative(s) for each nation(total 48 ITU Member States, while two students will concurrently serve as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson) in five regions from A to E (Americas, Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific), and the Conference will proceed in the form of a typical Model UN Conference.

1. Each region will prepare for a draft resolution, which regional representative will present.

2. The five different draft resolutions will be merged through discussion and restructured for approval at the end of the Conference.

* Detailed methods of procedure and education for the agenda will be announced at the orientation on Sep 13th.



o Download the form from this webpage(or and submit it by email to


Awards and Certificates

o A prize of Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning and a prize of President of KAIST for excellent performers

o A certificate of 2013 Model ITU PP will be issued to each participant on completion of this program.


Any Inquiries

o Call to Joseph Sang-Ho Lee (KAIT : Kora Asscociation for ICT Promotion) : 02-580-0586

o Send E-Mail to : or (Secretariat of Model ITU PP Conference)



o (English)

o (Korean)


The Model ITU PP-13will be held on October 18th 2013, celebrating D-365 day ofthe 2014 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference(ITU PP-14)in Busan.

The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference is held every 4 years by International Telecommunication Union that helps spread equitable, sustainable and affordable access to information and communication technologies (ICT) as a means of stimulating broader social and economic development and leads the development and global diffusion of ICT and networks by managing international radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits and by developing technological standards in telecommunications.


So, this Model ITU PP-13, conducted fully in English, will be the chance for students who are much interested in international organizations and experiencing international meeting and diplomatic relation in field of ICT. And please be aware that your sincere participation of this conference leads you to get a prize of Minister of Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning or a prize of President of KAIST. If interested, please download application form and send it to until August 30th(Fri)!


* What is ITU Plenipotentiary Conference

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), originally founded as the International Telegraph Union, is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is responsible for issues that concern information and communication technologies. The ITU coordinates the shared global use of the radio spectrum, promotes international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits, works to improve telecommunication infrastructure in the developing world, and assists in the development and coordination of worldwide technical standards.

ITU's 193 Member States and around 700 Sector Members and Associates and experts will be gathered together at the 2014 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (ITU PP-14 Busan), which will be held in Busan for 3 weeks from Oct 20 to Nov 7, 2014 as the world’s 19th and Asia’s 2nd Plenipotentiary Conference. In addition, there will be large-scale special affiliated events such as ICT Industrial Exhibition, Global ICT Conference, and Korean Cultural Festival.


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