For a limited time only, Seoul Immigration Office will be operating a window dedicated for international students.
If you have are planning visa/immigration-related applications with the Immigration Office, please pay attention to this announcement!
Available Dates
1st Round: 2025.2.17. ~ 2025.2.28.
2nd Round: 2025.3.17.~ 2025.3.28.
UPDATE: The Immigration Office has notified that Seoul National University students should visit on February 26th.
Although not mandatory, Students who need to submit residence-related applications within February are strongly encouraged to visit on this designated date.
Eligiblity (must be under Seoul Immigration Office jurisdiction)
- D-2 (D-2-1 ~ D-2-8) visa holders
- D-4 (D-4-1, D-4-7) visa holders
Available Services
- Foreigner Registration
- Visa Extension
- Change of Status (to other study abroad visa types)
- Part Time Work Permit
Desk Location
Counter #9, 1st Floor Immigration Service Hall(체류민원실)
Seoul Immigration Office
서울출입국사무소에서 유학생들을 대상으로 한시적으로 전담창구를 운영합니다.
체류민원업무를 진행할 학생들의 많은 관심 바랍니다.
① 1차: 2025.02.17. ~ 2025.02.28.
② 2차: 2025.03.17. ~ 2025.03.28.
이용대상 우리 청 관할 외국인 유학생 중 다음 체류자격 소지자
유학 : D-2-1 ~ D-2-8
어학연수 : D-4-1, D-4-7
외국인 등록
체류기간 연장
체류자격 변경(유학생 체류자격 내)
시간제 취업
서울출입국·외국인청 1층 체류민원실 9번 창구