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[홍보] Global Summer Institute - UT Austin 안내

Submitted by Editor on 13 December 2023

Dear colleagues,  


I am pleased to announce the Global Summer Institute at The University of Texas at Austin, a unique academic opportunity for international undergraduate students to experience life in the heart of the city, while earning up to nine academic credits.  


Global Summer Institute provides focused coursework in a range of academic disciplines, taught by both UT Austin and visiting faculty, paired with academic English instruction and interactive learning experiences. Students will attend weekly excursions, designed to enhance their understanding of life and culture in the United States.  


We are seeking talented faculty from our partner institutions to teach courses in a variety of disciplines. Faculty will receive complimentary travel to and from Austin, housing in a private apartment, and an honorarium. Faculty enjoy full access to UT Austin facilities and other scholars in their field.  


Faculty applications can be submitted now until February 1, 2024. The student application will open March 1, 2024.   


We look forward to celebrating the inaugural year of the Global Summer Institute with you and sharing in the benefits of international collaboration and scholarship with your faculty and students.   


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