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[Scholarship deadline extended] Application Guideline for Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Global Scholarship / 2020학년도 후기 ‘현대차 정몽구 글로벌 장학사업’ 장학생 모집

Submitted by Editor on 29 May 2020

2020학년도 후기 ‘현대차 정몽구 글로벌 장학사업’ 장학생 선발을 하오니 관심있는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. 


사업명: 2020년도 현대차 정몽구 글로벌 장학사업’



학적: 2020년 후기 서울대학교 글로벌특별인재전형 대학원 입학예정자 (2020 후기 신입생)

- 과정: 석사 / 석박사통합과정 / 박사

- 국적: 베트남, 인도네시아, 말레이시아, 태국, 필리핀, 미얀마, 캄보디아, 라오스

- 전공: 경영/경제, 이공계 (지능정보기술, 바이오헬스, 에너지 신산업 유관 분야 등), 한국어/한국학


장학생 선발대상장학생 지원서 제출자 중 2020년 후기 서울대학교 글로벌특별인재전형 대학원에 입학이 허가된 학생


추진 일정 (마감일 엄수)

지원서 이메일 접수마감2020. 6. 26.(금) 18:00까지

지원서 원본 우편 접수마감: 2020. 6. 26.(금) 18:00까지 우편 도착

합격자 발표: 2020. 7월 내 합격자에 한해 개별 이메일 통지



We are pleased to announce the call for "Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundataion Global Scholarship" for Fall 2020. 


1. About Chung Mong-Koo Foundation


2. Purpose of Scholarship:Foster outstanding graduate students who will contribute to the joint development of ASEAN-Republic of Korea


3. Eligible Applicants

- Status: Graduate students who have admission to Seoul University’s Graduate school for 2020 Fall semester

- Nationality: Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos

- Major: Business/Economics, Natural Science and Engineering (Related field: Intelligence information technology, Bio-health, New energy industry), Korean language/studies 

*경영/경제, 이공계(, 지능정보기술, 바이오헬스, 에너지신산업유관분야), 한국어/한국학



4. Total Candidates to be Selected:6


5. Scholarship Amount:

Full tuition,Study Allowance (KRW 1,000,000 monthly), Settlement allowance (KRW 2,500,000 upon arrival), Completion Grant (KRW 2,000,000 upon successful completion of degree)

- Invitation to Foundation scholarship events (exchange camps and seminars)

- Participation expenses for overseas academic conferences, scholarship for lead author who has won 1st ~2nd prize in overseas academic conference with SCI listed paper (KRW 3,000,000)


6. Scholarship Period

○ Master's degree program: 4 semesters

○ Combined master’s and doctorate: 8 semesters

○ Doctoral degree program: 4 semesters

* For Doctoral degree, scholarship period may be extended for the purpose of finishing their degrees, at the discretion (recommendation from) of the President of University.


7. Required Documents

○ Form 1: Application Form 

○ Form 2: Self De''''script''''ion

○ Form 3: Statement of Purpose

○ Form 4: Attestation and Consent of collecting and utilizing Personal Information

○ Copy of Proof of Document for All Information Stated in Form 1

 (Graduation Certificate, Work Experience, Awards and Certifications, Language Proficiency etc.)


8. Submission  * Late submissions will not be considered

1) Submit all Required Documents (PDF versionto by June 26th, 2020 18:00 Seoul Time 

* Email title:  Application - Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Global Scholarship


2) Also submit all Required Documents (Original hard copy Documents) to below address by post by June 26th, 2020 18:00 Seoul Time 


* Address: Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Global Scholarship Coordinator (Ms. Hyun Jin Kim), Office of International Affairs, Seoul National University, Bldg.152, 2nd Floor, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea (Tel: +82-2-880-2519)


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