스웨덴 Linkoping University Summer Academy 2020 참가자를 아래와 같이 모집하오니 관심 있는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.
1. 프로그램명 : Linkoping University Summer Academy 2020
2. 주 관 : 스웨덴 Linkoping University
3. 기 간 : 2020. 6. 26. ~ 2020. 7. 25.
4. 지원 자격 : 본교 학부 재학생(2학기 이상 이수자)
5. 선발 인원 : 과목당 5명 내외
※ 서울대학교에서 추천 후 최종 선발여부는 Linkoping 대학 측에서 결정함에 유의
6. 프로그램 참가비 : 프로그램 참가비 면제(학교간 교류협력 합의에 의해 면제)
※ 기숙사비, 항공료, 생활비 등 기타 비용은 개인 부담
7. 제공 과목
가. Critical Future Studies, 7.5 ECTS
나. Exploring Sweden, the Anthropological Way, 7.5 ECTS
다. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Swedish context, 7.5 ECTS
라. Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Contemporary Organizations, 7.5 ECTS
마. Nanotechnology - Sustainable Challenges and Social Impact, 7.5 ECTS
바. The Use (and Abuse) of Culture, 7.5 ECTS
8. 제출 서류
가. 수학계획서 1부(1페이지 이내)
※ 수학하고자 하는 과목을 명시, 여러 개의 경우 우선순위를 정하여 기재, 자유양식으로 제출
나. 서울대 영문성적표 1부(전체평점 2.7 이상 지원 가능)
다. 영어성적표 1부(2018년 7월 1일 이후 응시한 어학성적만 유효함)
※ TOEFL IBT 80 or IELTS 5.5 or TEPS 640 or TOEIC 800
9. 제출 방법: 이메일 제출(olivia1113@snu.ac.kr)
10. 서류 제출 마감일시: 2020. 3. 10.(화) 15:00 까지
11. 합격자 발표: 3월 중 개별 통보
※ 추후 합격자는 Linkoping University Summer Academy의 공식적인 지원 절차에 따라 온라인 지원 및 추가 서류 제출을 완료하여야 함
※ 자세한 사항은 홈페이지 참고 : https://liu.se/en/article/linkoping-university-summer-academy
Linkoping University Summer Academy 2020
We are very happy to announce our 5th annual Linkoping University Summer Academy, that will take place between 26th June and 25th July 2020.
The application period is open between 3rd February ~ 25th March 2020 (with the possibility to upload supporting ''document''s until 29th March).
Students who have completed 1 year full-time studies (successfully passed 60 ECTS credits or equivalent upon application) and have a good command of English as stated in our agreement are eligible to all courses.
The supporting '''''''''document'''''''''s needed are a nomination certificate (signed and stamped by someone at the sending international office) and a tran''''''''script'''''''' showing that the student has passed 60 ECTS or equivalent (upon application, but not necessarily from your university).
The programme will give students an opportunity to study in Linkoping, Sweden, for four weeks during the summer. They get to choose from a number of high-quality courses and gain cultural insights together with other students from our international partner universities all around the globe.
All courses are at bachelor's level, credit bearing (7.5 ECTS), will be taught in English and are full-time. For students from LiU’s partner universities the LiU Summer Academy is tuition free.
We offer the following courses:
1. Critical Future Studies, 7.5 ECTS
2. Exploring Sweden, the Anthropological Way, 7.5 ECTS
3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Swedish context, 7.5 ECTS
4. Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Contemporary Organizations, 7.5 ECTS
5. Nanotechnology - Sustainable Challenges and Social Impact, 7.5 ECTS
6. The Use (and Abuse) of Culture, 7.5 ECTS
More information on the LiU Summer Academy can be found at our website: https://liu.se/en/article/linkoping-university-summer-academy
For more information contact <summeracademy@liu.se>ps://liu.se/en/article/linkoping-university-summer-academy