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[Notice Revised] SNU Global Scholarship (GS) for Spring 2023

Submitted by Editor on 30 November 2022


해당 장학신청화면에서 임시저장을 할 경우 화면이 꺼지거나 로딩이 되지 않는 오류가 있었으나, 127() 기준으로 오류가 해결되었음을 알려드리며, 임시저장상태로 신청서를 둔

학생들께서는 신청공고 화면에 재접속하시어 장학금 신청을 기한 내 완료하시기 바랍니다.

An error was caused in our server which made it difficult for applicants to reload their applications if they have temporarily saved it. We inform you that the error is now resolved 

and you can now successfully reload your application if you have saved it. Thus, please make sure to complete your scholarship applications within the deadline.




We are pleased to announce the call for the SNU Global Scholarship (GS) of Spring 2023.

SNU Global Scholarship is open to international students enrolled (or will be enrolling) in the graduate program (non-degree students not applicable). Please see details of the scholarship below and apply within the designated period.


Scholarship Type * Receive either GS 1 OR 2 / Korean Language Training can be received along with GS 1 or 2

1. Global Scholarship 1 (GS 1): Full tuition waiver, monthly stipend of KRW 1,200,000, and airfare support*

 * Arrival airfare support is given only to newly admitted students (starting study from Spring 2023) whom less than 60 days has passed after entering Korea at the time of the acceptance announcement, or whom arrives in Korea after the announcement.

* Departure airfare support is given only to students who will be graduating in August 2023 and will be departing Korea before September 1st, 2023.


2. Global Scholarship 2 (GS 2): Full tuition waiver


3. Korean Language Training: Tuition waiver for the Korean Language Special Program, Evening Class

(Spring 2023 OR Summer 2023, one session only)


Supported Period: One semester (for Spring 2023)

Important Note: In order to receive the GS scholarship, the applicant must have at least 1 regular semester left for the upcoming semester. Those who have finished their courses as of March 2023, cannot receive the GS scholarship.


Application Period: December 2nd ? December 11th, 2022 (online application through mySNU portal)


Application Instruction

1.      Login to your mySNU account (

 (newly admitted students must create their own mySNU account)

2. Go to Academic Affairs ? Scholarship ? Apply/See Status ? Apply for Scholarship

        (Another route: Academic Affairs ? My Info ? Student Info ? Manage Student Services/Activities)

3. Find the notice for SNU Global Scholarship Program and click “Apply”

4. Fill out the reason for applying and submit video URL (if applicable), then click “Apply”

* Important: students who wish to receive support for Korean Language Training (Type 3) must mention it for the reason of scholarship application (i.e. I wish to receive support for Korean Language Training because…)


Extra Points

There will be extra points for those who submit a video link (YouTube or Vimeo, 5 minutes maximum) presenting their academic achievements, study plan, and goals after graduation (submit video URL upon online application).



Selection Process

After you apply for the Scholarship, your affiliated college/department will screen your application and inform OIA of the screening results. The type of GS you will be receiving (GS 1 or GS 2) will be decided based on the screening results and on the number of spots available at your affiliated college/department.

Some college/departments might ask their applicants to submit additional '''document'''s to go through the screening. So please keep yourself noted about the announcements from your designated college/school.

“Your Reason for Scholarship Application” should not be longer than 400 words.


Afterwards, OIA will announce acceptance results by email. Only those who are selected will be contacted by email. Results for applicants who are newly admitted students of Spring 2023: to be announced on December 20th, 2022

Results for applicants who are currently enrolled students: to be announced on January 16th, 2023


Contact Information: Refer to the attached Directory for International Scholarship Students





Office of International Affairs, Seoul National University







Room 403, Bldg.8

Social Sciences



Room 314, Bldg.16

Natural Sciences



Room 231, Bldg.501




2nd Floor, 103 Daehak-ro, School of Nursing main bldg. Administrative Office, Seoul

Business Administration(경영대)


Room 104, Bldg.58



Room 213, Bldg.39

Agriculture and Life Sciences(농생대)


Room 3017, Bldg.200

Fine Arts(미술대학)


Room 206, Bldg.50



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