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[홍보] The University of Hong Kong - HKU Summer Institute 2024 Programme 안내

Submitted by Editor on 13 December 2023

Dear Esteemed Partners,


We are delighted to announce that applications are now open for the HKU Summer Institute (HKUSI) 2024 programme!


HKUSI offers a wide variety of in-person summer programmes for Secondary and Undergraduate students from around the world, scheduled from June 17 to August 2, 2024. Whether they want to explore their academic interests or career pathways, our face-to-face summer programmes provide the perfect opportunity. Your students will also have the chance to meet new friends and experience campus life at HKU.


Please visit our website at to learn more about the exciting programmes we offer, including the following highlighted programmes:

1.            AI Engineer: Gen-AI and Virtual Worlds

2.            Business Leaders for a Changing World

3.            Climate Changemakers: Educating for a Greener World

4.            Creative Industries - from Start-up to Success

5.            Empowering Sustainability in a Circular Economy

6.            From Curiosity to Research: Practical Skills for Research Projects

Stay tuned for more faculty programmes, including some that are credit-bearing programmes!


As valued partners, we are pleased to offer your students an exclusive 10% Partnership Discount off the programme fee. Simply ensure they enter the correct university name to automatically enjoy this special offer during their payment and acceptance of the offer through the application system.


The application deadline for non-local students is March 31, 2024. We encourage you to urge your students to apply before the deadline to secure their spot in this unforgettable programme. Feel free to contact us at if you or your students have any questions.


Thank you for your unwavering support of the HKU Summer Institute. Let's empower the next generation of global leaders and innovators together!


Warm regards,

International Affairs Office

Academic Liaison Office, The Registry

The University of Hong Kong


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