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[모집] UAB Barcelona Summer School 안내

Submitted by Editor on 30 November 2023

We are pleased to attach the leaflet with the course offer of the next edition of the UAB Barcelona Summer School.  

As you can see there are 5 new courses out of 29 from various fields:  


FIRST PERIOD (25 June to 12 July 2024) 

SECOND PERIOD (15 July to 2 August 2024) 

·    Español como lengua extranjera (A1 MCER) / Spanish as a Second language (A1 CEFR) (NEW) 

·    Animal Law: Theoretical and Practical aspects of a growing field (NEW) 

·    Nanotechnology and Society (NEW) 

·    Research Methods in Education: Hands on Experience (NEW) 

·    Women’s Rights Protection: a Pathway to international and European Mechanisms against Discrimination (NEW) 


The content of the new courses is not published yet. We plan to have our website completely updated by early December.  

As you can see on the leaflet, the course fee is still pending. Last year’s price of 910€ will probably slightly increase. Early registrations before May 15th will get a 20% discount.  


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