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SNU's first Korean language international student magazine is recruiting members!

Submitted by Editor on 13 May 2013



What is Ullimsori?

Ullimsori is SNU's first Korean language international student magazine. By publishing international student's writing on a wide range of topics, Ullimsori aims to increase exchange and improve mutual understanding between Korean and non-Korean students. Ullimsori will be published once at the beginning of each semester and contain two types of content: reported content and submitted content. Reported content will consist of interviews, articles and other writings by Ullimsori members and student reporters. While topics may include anything from economics and politics to society and culture, reported content will focus on Seoul, SNU, and international student related issues. Submitted content will come from Ullimsori's writing competitions. Once per semester, Ullimsori will host both an essay competition and a thesis competition. Prize winning works will be published in the magazine.



We are currently recruiting a team of 3~6 individuals, who will play a very important role in establishing Ullimsori. Each member will be in charge of an area of interest which they choose while applying. These including marketing, finance, public relations, design, and content.  



1) SNU international student capable of committing at least 2 semesters

2) Willing to attend 1 meeting per week during semesters and vacations

3) Interested, passionate, and responsible


How to Apply:

Please fill out this online application form in 



May 31st



Please contact Tyler



Applicants will be selected during the first week of June and informed separately by June 7th.



유학생의 눈으로 바라봐 다양한 주제들을 한국어로 담는 학기 간지로써 울림소리는 한국인과 외국인 간의 교류를 넓히고 상호이해와 의사소통을 개선하는 데에 목적을 둡니다. 학기마다 번씩 개강 때쯤 프린트와 온라인으로 발행될 예정이며 콘텐츠는 크게 2가지로 나눌 있습니다. 첫째, 취재 콘텐츠는 울림소리 팀원이나 학생기자들이 자발적으로 취재해서 쓰는 내용입니다이는

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