“The Medical Korea Academy e-class(MKA e-class)”
Medical Korea Acadamy Program was launched in 2007 by Korea Health Industry Development Institute(KHIDI) to educate world leaders in medical expertise. Since, MKA Global has educated 703 medical practitioners from more than 32 countries. KHIDI selectively invite medical practitioners across the world to experience Korea's finest health education, research and medical services. All participants will have access to various in-depth clinical training courses and cutting-edge medical technologies.
-Enrollment period : June 1st - June 30st, 2023 (+KST)
-Training period : July 1st - August 31st, 2023 (+KST)
Please make sure to complete the enrollment by June 30th, 2023.
※ All MKA e-class courses are free of charge.
※ Upon completion of the course, you will be able to receive a certificate of completion.
※ Overseas medical professions(doctors, nurses, medical students, etc.), hospital administration and medical information systems personnel, Ministry of health officials, etc. are eligible to participate.
The available courses are shown in the poster.
Proceed to enrollment using this link* : https://bit.ly/3pSvnlX
You will be guided step by step through the Enrollment Process, As explained in the poster, simply follow steps 1 to 4 to complete the Enrollment Process and registration for your courses of interest.
Click on the poster and start the enrollment.
*We kindly request that you access the MKA e-class only using the provided link.
The information leaflet attached details further information regarding the online courses.
Africa Future Foundation
(Tel. +82-31-342-9182 / E-mail. aff@africaff.org)