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[홍보] [주한미대사관] American Cinema Evening 프로그램 국제협력본부(본부팀) ( 대외협력본부 )

Submitted by Editor on 21 March 2023

American Cinema Evening: The Day Sports Stood Still


주한미국대사관의  American Diplomacy House(ADH)에서 영화 감상 후 함께 토론하는 American Cinema Evening 행사를 진행 할 예정입니다.

미국 현지 제작자와의 화상 만남도 준비되어 있으니 다큐멘터리 영화, 스포츠, 인종차별 이슈에 관심있는 여러분의 많은 신청 바랍니다.  


참가신청 링크 바로가기


American Cinema Evening: "The Day Sports Stood Still”
- 프로그램 일시:  2023년 3월 30일 (목), 오후 2시-4시  
- 장소: 아메리칸 디플로머시 하우스 서울 (구 아메리칸센터) 서울 용산구 한강대로 72길 3 
- ADH 입장시  정부발행신분증 (주민등록증, 운전면허증, 여권 중 하나) 필수 지참 
- 영화 상영 후 제작자와의 질의응답 가능 (화상)

   Steven Leckart: Emmy-winning writer, director, and investigative journalist
- 별도의 자막/통역은 제공되지 않음
- 참가 신청 마감일: 3월 26일 자정

"The Day Sports Stood Still"
The 2020 sports season?its abrupt stop (due to COVID-19) and complex return, and athletes’ role in the nationwide reckoning with racial injustice?is the focus of this definitive look at an extraordinary year. Directed by Antoine Fuqua, this 'document'ary features interviews with a range of sports figures highlighted by a first-person account from executive producer and NBA All-Star Chris Paul.  The film received a Sports Emmy nomination for Best Long Form Writing, and a Critics Choice nomination for Best Sports Documentary. 

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