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Notification on Course Registration for New-coming Students (신입생 수강신청 안내문)

Submitted by Editor on 6 August 2020

Hello, this is the Office of International Affairs, SNU.


We would like to notify the course registration period for new-coming students.

Please watch SNU YouTube Channel and read the manual (see: attachment) carefully.


You can try CR (mock-up) from Aug 6, Aug7, and Aug 10 (09:00 ~ 18:00 each), so please make sure to be familiar with how to do it.

The real time CR starts at 8:30 am sharp on the 13th/14th of Aug. (

* 2020-08-13 Course registration(Last Number of Student ID: Even(2,4,6,8,0))

    2020-08-14 Course registration(Last Number of Student ID: Odd(1,3,5,7,9))


※ It is highly recommended that you do it on time because most favorite / popular classes will be filled up in just a few seconds.

    For more information, you can contact here at (Password: 8804447)


We would like to share a variety of materials such as Orientation, SNUPEDIA, etc which contain almost all the information you need in SNU.

Since the attached guidelines have informative contents from academics, financial support, to extracurricular activities,

it will help you adjust yourself more quickly and become one of SNU community members.


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