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Webinar on Attractive Postdoc in Europe (May 12)

Submitted by Editor on 7 May 2020

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Webinar on Attractive Postdocs in Europe

How to get Individual Fellowship under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA-IF)




Date: 12 May, 17.00 - 18.00 KST 


Are you interested in a two-years postdoc grant in Europe? Then the highly prestigious MSCA Individual Fellowships is for you.



Participate in a one-hour webinar on the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowship Call and learn:

  • General Introduction
  • Who can apply?
  • What is funded?
  • How to apply?
  • Where can I get information and support?





  1.  Introduction to EURAXESS Services - Tomasz Wierzbowski, EURAXESS Korea Country Representative
  2.  All you need to know about MSCA IF - Przemyslaw Jankowski, Policy Officer ? MSCA, European Commission
  3.  Interactive Q&A 

About the speakers




 Tomasz Wierzbowski

Tomasz represents EURAXESS in Korea. 

Tomasz joined the EURAXESS Worldwide team in May 2018 when the Korea chapter was launched. Before joining the EURAXESS Worldwide his professional career was in both public as well as private sectors where he managed international projects financed by the European Commission under FP7/Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ schemes.

Tomasz holds Ph.D. in Political Science completed at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul (2018) and MA in Political Science obtained at Sungkyunkwan University under the Korean Government Scholarship Program. Tomasz specializes in International Relations with a particular focus on Northeast Asia. His academic interest lies also in the methodology of the social sciences.



 Przemysław Jankowski

Przemyslaw Jankowski finished law at the University in Poznan (Poland). He gave lectures at the University in Czestochowa (Poland), worked as Legal Advisor in law offices and private companies. He has also an IT background confirmed with certificates and active work as IT developer and Project Manager.

In 2009 he joined the European Commission as Project Officer for Marie Curie actions in DG Research and Innovation. In the beginning he was managing reintegration projects for single researchers and later he was responsible for host-driven actions, which involve networks of institutions. Since 2012 Mr Jankowski is Policy Officer in DG Education and Culture. In his current position he is monitoring and developing policy for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. His main domain is Innovative Training Networks (ITN), which is the leading scheme supporting the doctoral programmes. He is also a contact point for cooperation with Japan and Korea.



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