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Call for SNU Global Scholarship (GS) for Spring 2024

Submitted by Editor on 5 December 2023

We are pleased to announce the call for the SNU Global Scholarship (GS) of Spring 2024.

SNU Global Scholarship is open to international students enrolled (or will be enrolling) in the graduate program (non-degree students not applicable).

Please see details of the scholarship below and apply within the designated period.


Scholarship Type * Receive either GS 1 OR 2 / Korean Language Training can be received along with GS 1 or 2

1. Global Scholarship 1 (GS 1): Full tuition waiver, monthly stipend of KRW 1,200,000, and airfare support (one time)*

 * Arrival airfare support is given only to newly admitted students (starting study from Spring 2024) whom less than 60 days has passed after entering Korea at the time of the GS scholarship announcement, or whom arrives in Korea after the announcement.

* Departure airfare support is given only to students who will be graduating in August 2024 and will be departing Korea before September 1st, 2024.  


2. Global Scholarship 2 (GS 2): Full tuition waiver


3. Korean Language Training: Tuition waiver for the Korean Language Special Program, Evening Class

(Spring 2024 OR Summer 2024, one session only)


Supported Period: One semester/ 6 months (for Spring 2024)

Important Note: In order to receive the GS scholarship, the applicant must have at least one regular semester left for the upcoming semester. Those who have finished their courses as of March 2024, cannot receive the GS scholarship.

Application Period: December 6th 2PM – December 13th 11PM, 2023 (online application through mySNU portal)


Application Instruction

  1. Login to your mySNU account (

 (newly admitted students must create their own mySNU account)

2. Go to Academic Affairs – Scholarship – Apply/See Status – Apply for Scholarship

        (Another route: Academic Affairs – My Info – Student Info – Manage Student Services/Activities)

3. Find the notice for SNU Global Scholarship Program and click “Apply”

4. Fill out the reason for applying and submit video URL (if applicable), then click “Apply”

* Important: students who wish to receive support for Korean Language Training (Type 3) must mention it for the reason of scholarship application (i.e. I wish to receive support for Korean Language Training because…)


How do I make an mySNU account?

For GS scholarship applicants who are freshmen of the Spring semester of 2024, and doesn’t own an mySNU account, please refer to the attached guidelines on “How to Create an SNU_ID in Steps”, to create an online account in order to go through the GS scholarship application process.




Extra Points

There will be extra points for those who submit a video link (YouTube or Vimeo, 5 minutes maximum) presenting their academic achievements, study plan, and goals after graduation (submit video URL upon online application).


Selection Process

After you apply for the Scholarship, your affiliated college/department will screen your application and inform OIA of the screening results. The type of GS you will be receiving (GS 1 or GS 2) will be decided based on the screening results and on the number of spots available at your affiliated college/department.

Some college/departments might ask their applicants to submit additional documents to go through the screening. So please keep yourself noted about the announcements from your designated college/school.

“Your Reason for Scholarship Application” should not be longer than 400 characters.


Afterwards, OIA will announce acceptance results by email. Only those who are selected will be contacted by email.

Results for applicants who are newly admitted students of Spring 2024:

to be announced on December 27th, 2023, 10am (KST)

Results for applicants who are currently enrolled students:

to be announced on January 19th, 2024, 6pm (KST)

Contact Information: Refer to the attached Directory for International Scholarship Students


2024학년도 1학기 글로벌 초우수 장학금 장학생 모집일정을 다음과 같이 공고합니다.


1. 신청대상: 본교 외국인 대학원 학위과정생(재학생 및 2024학년도 1학기 신입학예정자)

2. 지원학기: 2024학년도 1학기 (1개 학기, 6개월)

3. 수혜내역 GS 1 또는 2 수혜, 한국어연수 별도(GS1, 2와 중복 수혜 가능)

1) Global Scholarship 1 (GS 1): 등록금 전액 면제, 생활비 월 120만원, 항공료 (1)*

* 입국항공료는 신입생에 한하여 1회 지원하며 장학생 확정 선발 통보일 시점 한국에 입국한 지 60일이 경과하지 않은 자, 혹은 선발 통보일 이후 한국에 입국한 자만 해당함. 귀국항공료는 최종 귀국 시점에 장학생 신분을 유지하는 경우에만 1회 지원(20248월에 졸업하고 202491일 이전에 출국하는 경우에만 지원 가능)

2) Global Scholarship 2 (GS 2): 등록금 전액 면제

3) 한국어연수: 언어교육원 한국어과정(특별과정 저녁반) 수업료, 2024봄 또는 2024여름 중 택1

주의: 해당 장학금은 최소 1개 학기의 수학 학기가 남아있는 학생만 수혜 가능

(20243월부로 수료하는 학생 선발 불가)


4. 신청기간: 2023126() 14~ 1213() 23까지 mySNU 온라인 지원

5. 신청방법

1) mySNU( 로그인 후 학사정보-장학-신청/현황-장학신청 메뉴 접속

(또는 학사정보-나의정보-종합정보-종합신청정보 메뉴 접속)

2) 신청가능목록에 글로벌 초우수 공고 확인 후 신청하기클릭

3) 장학금 신청사유(400자 이내) 작성 및 비디오 URL 삽입(선택항목, 가산점) 신청

중요: 한국어연수 희망자는 반드시 신청사유에 해당 내용 작성(: 한국어연수 신청합니다.)

6. 가산점: 본인의 강의 및 연구 관련성과, 수학계획, 졸업 후 계획을 포함한 5분 이내 동영상

링크 제출(온라인 지원 시 비디오 URL 삽입) 시 선발과정에서 가산점 부여


7. 선발 일정

1) 장학생 선발심사(각 대학())

신입생: 20231214() ~ 1222()

재학생: 20231214() ~ 2024117()

심사 결과 및 대학()별 장학생 TO에 따라 GS 1 또는 GS 2 선발

2) 합격자 발표(국제협력본부)

신입생: 20231227() 오전 10

재학생: 2024119() 오후 6

합격한 경우에만 개별 이메일로 결과 발송(불합격한 경우 이메일 발송되지 않음을 유의)


8. 문의: 각 대학() 행정실 (붙임 Directory for International Scholarship Students 참고)


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