우리대학의 협력기관인 AUA에서 다음과 같이 안내하오니, 관심있는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.
AUA-HKUST Overseas Study Program 2023 Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
It is a program conducted in person. Hong Kong is a vibrant hub of entrepreneurship, with a thriving startup scene and a supportive ecosystem that fosters innovation and growth. This bootcamp aims to provide a taste of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Hong Kong, by offering an immersive experience for AUA members to learn first-hand about the opportunities and challenges of starting a business in this dynamic city.
문의: 국제협력본부 김유리 (yrkim25@snu.ac.kr, 02-880-4357), 프로그램 관련 aua.hkust@ust.hk
AUA-HKUST OSP_EB_20230704-10_Program.pdf
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