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National Health Insurance

All international students, including exchange and visiting students, are required to subscribe to a travel/study abroad health insurance that covers medical expenses that can be incurred during your stay in Korea. You must understand that for medical expenses, you must make payment by yourself first and have it reimbursed to you through the insurance agency. No financial support or administrative support for medical expenses can be provided to exchange/visiting students, so all students must be fully aware of the coverage and reimbursement procedure of their own health insurance. From March 2021, all non-Korean international students will be mandatorily and automatically subscribed to Korea’s National Health Insurance upon the date of alien registration.


International students, foreigners and overseas Koreans

Enrollment Time

Overseas study (D-2), Elementary/Middle/High school students (D-4-3)

First entry: Foreign registration date
Re-entry: Re-entry date

General training (D-4)

Six months after the entry date

Overseas Korean students and foreign nationality Korean students

On the date of admission into a school (if a copy of the proof of enrollment is submitted)

Enrollment Procedure

No action is required from students, as they are automatically subscribed to health insurance by the NHIS.

An NHIS Card and Subscription Guide will be sent to your residential address in Korea.
Nevertheless, if you fall under the following cases, you must visit the nearest NHIS branch office. Visit the designated NHIS Center for Foreign Residents having jurisdiction over your residential address if you reside in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, or Incheon, and you:
  • Wish to pay contributions for your family as a group (including your spouse and minor children) ;
  • Are an overseas Korean or international student (F-4 Visa holder) studying in Korea: or,
  • Wish to report changes, such as the place of residence, passport number, or visa.
If you receive medical coverage equivalent to medical care benefits (Article 41 of the National Health Insurance Act) by foreign laws, from foreign insurance, or under the contract with your employer, you may apply for exemption from the subscription.

Family Subscription and Required Documents

Application for Family subscription
  - Scope of family members: spouse and children under the age of 19 (residing at the same address in Korea)
  - Documents to prove family relationship
     1) Get a family relations (or marriage) certificate issued
     2) Have the document certified by the Foreign Ministry overseas or Apostille
     3) Have the document translated into Korean and notarized

  • Validity of Documents
      - Documents issued in Korea: Three months from the date of issuance
      - Documents issued overseas: Nine months from the date of issuance or date of certification by the foreign ministry (Apostille)



Monthly contributions for international students for 2025: KRW 76,390 (from January 2025) 
The above does not apply to the self-employed insured whose contributions are above the average contribution.
Reductions only apply to the household income of KRW 3.6 million or below and the property tax base of KRW 135 million or below.
Contributions Payment
  • (Due Date) The contribution for the next month is due by the 25th of the current month (pre-payment)
  • (Payment Method) Automatic transfer (from your bank account or credit card), website, NHIS branch office, bank
Applying for electronic billing, Automatic Transfer or Registering a Refund Account: Call or visit the website or NHIS branch office to apply
  • You may apply for electronic (email or mobile) billing instead of receiving a paper bill.
  • Apply for automatic transfer debit for easy payment. Register a bank account to receive refunds quickly

Insurance Benefits

(The same benefits as the Korean citizens) Various benefits are available, including dental and oriental medical treatment, health checkups, and pregnancy and childbirth-related medical expenses (National Haengbok Card)

  • The above is inapplicable to non-covered items, such as treatment for diseases that do not affect work or daily life (e.g. plastic surgery).
  • General Health Checkups: General health checkups are available biannually depending on your year of birth (Annually for non-office workers). For example, those born in an even year (1998, 2000, etc.) can receive a free general health checkup in 2024. For female students born in an even year, a free cervical cancer(자궁경부암) check-up is also available in 2024. 


Disadvantages with Non-payment of Contributions

(Restrictions on Health Insurance Benefits) Health insurance benefits at medical care institutions are unavailable from the first day of the month following the payment deadline until the contribution is fully paid.
(Restrictions on Visa Extension) Your stay in Korea may not be extended by the Korean Immigration Office.
  • (Exception) The restriction on visa extension does not apply if the contribution in arrears is less than 500,000 KRW or if other collections in arrears are less than 100,000 KRW.
(Dispositions on Default) The NHIS may demand payment by the specified period. Where a person fails to pay the insurance contributions by the specified period, compulsory collection procedures to seize his/her real estate, automobile, deposit, and so on may proceed.
  • The contributions in arrears may be paid in installments. The restriction on health insurance benefits will be lifted and made available once such installment is fully paid.


National Health Insurance Corporation

(Restrictions on Health Insurance Benefits)