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(업데이트) University of Hamburg - Information event 안내

Submitted by Editor on 30 August 2023



독일 University of Hamburg에서 아래와 같이 해당 대학의 교환 프로그램 및 현지 생활 등을 소개하는 인포 세션을 개최 예정이오니, 향후 University of Hamburg 교환 파견에 관심있으신 학우 여러분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다. 

행사 개최 관련 정보는 하단 안내 사항 참고 바랍니다.



(2023.09.04 기준 안내 정보로 업데이트)

Study at Universität Hamburg!

You want to spend one or two semester at one of the most beautiful harbor cities in Europe? Then come to Universität Hamburg. It is located right in the heart of the city and belongs with 42.000 students to one of the 10 biggest universities in Germany. Among our 170+ degree programs you will find a program that fits best to your major at home. In this information event we will present both the university and the city and you are welcome to ask your questions. If you are interested in participating, please find the dates below:

  1. 27 September, 5:00 pm (UTC+2)
  2. 29 September, 9:00 am (UTC+2)

To participate, you have to register here: Study at Universität Hamburg | Information session | DFN Terminplaner

In case you are insecure about the right time zone, please use this website for help: UTC: (

For further information about Universität Hamburg please visit our website or our Instagram profile.

In case you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via

We are looking forward to seeing you online!

All the best,

Sven & Benjamin, central exchange


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