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Extracurricular Activities

Center for Campus Life & Culture Capacity Development Program

At the Center for Campus Life & Culture, SNU students can receive psychological counseling and testing free of charge. Additionally, there are a range of programs for self-control, personal relationships, organization management capacity developments. These programs not only provide training for the corresponding capacity development but also become opportunities for students to become acquainted with a diverse range of students from other departments and academic years. Take advantage of the various programs offered by the Center for Campus Life & Culture introduced below if you wish to have a full university life by meeting lots of new people, know more about yourself and develop your potential. 

Self-Control Capacity Development Program

Time Management Program

This program teaches and practices methods of time management so that everyone can discover value in their lives and efficiently utilize precious time.

Health Management Program

This program offers meditation as a means to listen closer to and rediscover the inner self to attain self-recovery and inner peace for self-control of one’s mental health.

Emotional Management Program

This program teaches and practices healthy methods of emotional recognition and control for SNU constituents weighed down with emotions that are hard to handle like anger, anxiety and depression.

Personal Relationship Capacity Development Program

Personal Relationship Improvement Program

This program helps you adapt to the complex and diverse personal relationships you make in university. This program provides a space for experiment where you can discover patterns that appear repeatedly in one’s personal relationship by interacting with group members, understanding the reason behind such patterns and practicing new communication techniques and behavioral alternatives. The program is a 10 week program with 1~2 related major leaders and around 10 students. Structured and unstructured programs are carried out by categorizing the subject into undergraduate students, graduate students and international students.

Peer Relationship Improvement Program

This program provides an opportunity for critical and rational SNU constituents to develop their capacity for warm and sympathetic relationships by learning about and practicing effective communication techniques and empathetic conversational methods.

Family Relationship Improvement Program

This program provides an opportunity to learn about the family conflicts that occur due to different temperaments and personalities and seek out positive methods of utilizing such temperament differences within family to think about how to resolve family conflicts and get along better.

Campus Mentoring Program: CMP

This is a representative SNU on-campus mentoring program that almost 2,600 students participated in for the past 12 years. 1 enrolled senior mentor student and 1~2 new freshmen mentee students become a team to receive help in academic endeavors such as course registration and preparation but also personal relationships, career, self-management, general advice, encouragement and support. Mentors and mentees can meet other mentors and mentees of various majors in the group mentoring activity composed of around 30 students and everyone is welcome to participate in the supervision, mentee group discussion and encompassing events. This program is operated on a semester system where mentees can apply every February~March and June~July and mentors can apply every December~January and June~July. When these periods approach, an announcement will be posted at mySNU and the Center for Campus Life & Culture homepage ( Also, the School-Life Mentoring Program (SMP) is also available that connects new students admitted through the International Admissions I and II/Korean Government Scholarship Program with enrolled mentor students to aid them in getting to know Korean culture. The application period for this program is similar to that of the CMP.

Volunteer Management Program: VMP

The Volunteer Management Program (VMP) was the very first official volunteer activity program for the SNU constituents and this program started in the fall semester of 1997. This program is currently run by the Center for Campus Life & Culture. VMP connects students with the appropriate volunteer activity site reflecting the desired field, activity region and participation time from consultation with the program participant.

Also, prior education and continuous supervision are conducted regarding the colunteer activity. Through this, volunteers can attain the techniques and knowledge necessary for the volunteer activity. Also, a small group program is operated where the volunteering students create small groups for friendship cultivation. You can apply for the VMP through the Center for Campus Life & Culture hompage.

Student Mental Health Supporters Program

The Student Mental Health Supporters is a student run project group that plans and organizes projects for the mental health of students. Regular meetings are held once a week during the semester where these meetings involve basic knowledge education and project discussion. All students interested in mental health and project planning are welcome. You can meet good people and create meaningful projects for the healing of SNU students. Participants are recruited at the beginning of each semester and the recruitment announcement will be posted on the mySNU homepage and SNU email.

Seoul National University Social Responsibility

Seoul National University Social Responsibility (SNUSR) was founded in February 2013 with the core values of social responsibility, innovative professionalism and continuous collaboration. Since then, the institute runs various programs for social responsibility education and domestic and international social responsibility action as as hub organization for social responsibility within SNU. The institute strives to cultivate good-hearted talent by planning and volunteer social service course, service-learning courses, SNU mentoring, student society for social responsibility, the SHANUM multicultural social responsibility, local SNU corp, global SNU corp, social responsibility PLUS+, etc. Also, social responsibility related books and exhibitions are available at the social responsibility lobby on the 1st floor of the Woojeongwon. Everyone is welcome to participate in various activities, exchange with students of various backgrounds and carry out sharing beyond the school campus at SNUSR.

Volunteer Social Service (VSS) Course

The Volunteer Social Service (VSS) course was established with the purpose of expanding and reforming the university education from the campus centered education in a limited sense to social structure improvement education. The objective of VSS course is to cultivate a sense of community in the students and have greater interest in their neighbors as well as aid their growth into true leaders that exhibits social responsibility.

You can receive 1 credit for the VSS course by completing 26 hours of community service at a local connected organization and attending the prior education and mid and final evaluations.

Types of VSS courses
  1. Volunteer Social Service 1: Only students who are taking the community service course for the first time can register
  2. Volunteer Social Service 2: Only students who took VSS 1 can register
  3. Volunteer Social Service 3: Only students who took both VSS 1 and 2 can register

Service-Learning Courses

The Service-Learning courses go beyond the university campus centered education and integrates social responsibility action for the vulnerable classes to major theories in order to provide students with an expanded learning opportunity. Every semester, students taking courses selected as the Service-Learning course utilize their knowledge and technique related to their major to plan and carry out various activities that the local community needs. These activities cultivate a sense of responsibility towards their local community and deeper understanding than their major courses. The cases of major courses are listed below.

Div. of Public Health
  • Course name : International Health Lab
  • Major activity content : Identify the menstrual hygiene management conditions of girls in Bangladesh, investigate the influencing factors and develop an awareness improvement education program for the girls and mothers to actually carry out
Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
  • Course name : Intelligent Materials and Design
  • Major activity content : Appropriate technologies are used to develop creative and sustainable product with a low budget for the marginalized classes including developing countries, the elderly and the disabled and develop a vaccine delivery device, drinking water transportation equipment and cooling vest
Dept. of Design
  • Course name : Design Studio 41
  • Major activity content : Investigation of the industrial ecosystem and production sites of small producers in the fashion industry in Dongdaemun, Seoul, study the designer collaboration process expected by small scale producers in Changshin-dong, implement the actual collaboration process and display and promote the results of the collaboration process

SNU Mentoring

SNU Mentoring is an online e-Mentoring program that is based on a dedicated web system ( Mentoring can be done from anywhere in the nation regardless of time and location as long as you have a computer desktop and mobile handy.

SNU Mentoring is a community service activity program that provides psychological and emotional support and information with regard to academics, career, aptitude, daily life and other worries through online posting and text message conversations where enrolled SNU enrolled students and leave of absence students (undergraduate and graduate students) as mentors (SNUtor; SNU+mentor) are matched one-on-one with middle school and high school mentees (SNUtee; SNU+mentee) of vulnerable classes throughout the country.

Also, mentees throughout the country are invited to SNU campus once a year through the “SNU Visit” program to provide an opportunity to improve the relationship between the mentors and mentees through offline mentoring. Mentor educations are also held 1~2 times a year to strengthen their role as mentors.

  • Recruitment: March
  • Activity: April~November mentoring
  • Activity benefits: Given volunteer hours of 1365 hours or community service credit link

The Student Society

The Student Society is an SNU student run program affiliated under the SNUSR that plans and carries out social responsibility activities. The members directly participate in the overall social responsibility programs including the planning and implementation of the social responsibility activities with the goal of reaching the potential of SNU members creating a social responsibility culture on their own.The Student Society planned projects each semester with new topics beginning in the fall semester of 2013 and activities are carried out corresponding to the topic throughout the semester in teams. Member recruitment helds twice a year (early March/early September).

Local SNU Corp

SNU students seek out creative solutions to local issues to organize social responsibility activities that the community needs and career and consultation mentoring for teenagers of the education marginalized class to carry out during the summer and winter vacations. During the semester, the common education for dispatched activity preparation, prior program planning meetings and prior activities are conducted.

Global SNU Corp

Global SNU Corp activities have been planned in Nepal, Laos, Vietnam Vinh Dinh, Uzbekistan and Indonesia. Major activities in dispatched countries are listed below.

Dispatched country : Nepal (Lumbini)
  • Dispatch : Dispatch Twice a year
  • Activity content : Activity content Physical education, music, art and science sharing and school facility improvement, culture sharing activities at Lumbini, Nepal, an education marginalized region
Dispatched country : Laos (Nabong)
  • Dispatch : Winter, summer Twice a year
  • Activity content : Agricultural appropriate technology sharing (chicken coops for improved spawning and molasses element block distribution for improved cattle development), education sharing, culture sharing activities at a region near Nabong, Vientiane Prefecture
Dispatched country : Vietnam (Vinh Dinh)
  • Dispatch : Twice a year Winter, summer
  • Activity content : Eco sharing (garbage prevention/utilization/processing), purified water sharing (appropriate technology drinking water purification system installation and maintenance management), education sharing, culture sharing activities in the neighborhood of Qui Nhon city of Binh Dinh Province in south central Vietnam
Dispatched country : Uzbekistan (Samarkand)
  • Dispatch : Twice a year Winter, summer
  • Activity content : Children focused education sharing activity in the kindergarten, treatment activity for local residents and held a medical expo in the Samarkand region of Uzbekistan
Dispatched country : Indonesia (Lombok)
  • Dispatch : Once a year Summer
  • Activity content : Application of appropriate technology related to tourism, agriculture and medicine, education sharing and culture sharing about the Lombok region of Indonesia
Dispatched country : Tanzania (Arusha)
  • Dispatch : Once a year Winter
  • Activity content : Established the foundation for green growth through solar panel installation and job education about the Arusha region of Tanzania
The country of dispatch and the activity contents may change.

Digital SNU Corp


This program provides opportunities for SNU students to participate in social responsibility activities that could be planned and executed via online (non-face-to-face methods), overcoming the hindrance of time and space. Issues found in local communities as well as the disadvantaged who need support are discovered and connected via this program. Further, practical skills related to shooting, editing and producing VR contents and videos are provided to SNU students via various training sessions. In 2020, the SNU members of Digital SNU Corp (Local) participated in panning and executing creative social responsibility activities such as ‘Seoul Sightseeing: The VR Experience’ and ‘Video-Making: Together’ with children and adolescents in Gyeong-buk Province and Ulleung Island.


In order to continue social volunteer under COVID-19 circumstance, SNUSR launched a new volunteer program which can be conducted through untact online network. Student members will play a leading role in planning and conducting the program as they were in Global SNU Corp. They will make contents and communicate with foreign university students in real time, instead of going to the volunteer location directly. SNUSR will develop various fields of online volunteer service and freshmen are welcome to join Digital SNU Corp.

SHANUM Leaders Club

The SHANUM leaders club is the social responsibility membership system provided to SNU constituents who participate in the local community and international community programs of the SNUSR. Depending on the degree of program participation by a constituent, the SHANUM leaders score is accumulated and the SHANUM silver leaders, SHANUM gold leaders and SHANUM black leaders are rewarded accordingly.

When you have a leaders score of 200 points or higher, you are appointed as SHANUM silver leader and given an activity certificate in the name of the organization head, an online nameplate and SHANUM leaders club souvenir (leaders ring). Constituents with a score of 600 or higher are appointed as SHANUM gold leader and an additional award certificate is rewarded in the name of the organization head. Lastly, constituents with a score of 1,000 or higher are appointed as SHANUM black leader.

A merit plaque is rewarded in the name of the organization head and the name of the constituent is added to the Institute of Global Social Responsibility Hall of Fame.

The SHANUM leaders club awards ceremony is held in the Social Responsibility PLUS+ event during the fall.

Social Responsibility PLUS+

Every year, the Social Responsibility PLUS+ event is held to spike interest in the social responsibility activities of students and cultivate motivation for participation. The Social Responsibility PLUS+ is composed of the Social Responsibility Festival and Social Responsibility Contest.

Social Responsibility Festival

The Social Responsibility Festival is promoted by the students who participated in the SNUSR and the Social Responsibility Festival is a place for sharing and promoting the social responsibility activities through various attractions. The promotion and communication booths of the Student Society for Social Responsibility, which is a student run community service program and the global group of each country are installed so that visitors can experience various hands-on community service activities and take away new information.

Social Responsibility Contest

A contest is held where students who are interested in social responsibility can propose their ideas. This contest provides the opportunity for students to propose their own ideas, share opinions with other students at the same time and receive feedback from the judge panel composed of experts.

Green Leadership Program

The Green Leadership Program is a program for the cultivation of future green leaders who can comprehensively understand the various issues of our society from an environmental and sustainability perspective and resolve those issues through the design of social changes.

This program is a Ministry of Environment joint certification SNU integrated curriculum that was implemented in the undergraduate program in 2011 and is operated by the Research Center for Education of the Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD).

Various green leadership courses were developed for undergraduate students to cultivate the capacity for sustainable development of our society and green leaders with environmental knowledge.

The green leadership certificate is issued in the name of the SNU president upon graduation when 5 green leadership courses including the mandatory Green Leadership Internship course are completed.

Completion Requirements and Method

You have to register for green leadership courses during the semester course registration period and complete 15 credits during the undergraduate years (GPA of at least 3.0) and submit the green leadership completion essay application for a qualification exam along with the green leadership essay (A4 3~4 pages). (Refer to the Green Leadership homepage announcement, qualification exams held in June and December every year)

Green Leadership Courses

There are total of 11 core green leadership courses and for the convenience of the students, a total of 71 credit recognized courses are selected from the major elective, major mandatory and general education courses of each college in addition to the core courses.

The credit recognized courses are listed in the SNU published basic general education curriculum handbook and the Green Leadership Program homepage.

Green Leadership Internship

Students go on internships to Green Leadership cooperation organizations during the summer and winter vacations as an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge they obtained through the Green Leadership Program to real situations and learn about the actual work of leaders in companies and organizations (90 hours or more during summer and winter sessions and up to 2 months depending on the organization). This course is for students who have already taken the 2 prerequisite Green Leadership courses. (3 credits given, S/U) The Green Leadership Internship was first held in 2012 with the participation of 5 organizations: SK Hynix, UNESCAP, Climate Change Center, Homeplus and the Inter-University Semiconductor Research Center. Currently, there are a total of 40 cooperation organizations in the Green Leadership Internship.

Green Leadership Internship cooperation organizations
SK Hynix, Samil Accounting Firm, Tree Planet, Hanyoung Accounting Firm, Green Fund, EcopeaceAsia, Hankook Research, USESCAP, SolarConnect, Jarakdang, Glory & Tech Co., ISD Greenhouse Gas & Energy, Korea Environmental Education Center, Gyeonggi Research Institute, Root Energy, Crevisse Partners, WWF-Korea, Hanwha Energy, Green Energy Strategy Institute, Embassy of Denmark, Korea , Energy transition korea, Solutions for Our Climate, Gtidwiz, Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corporation

    SAM Mentoring

    SAM is the abbreviation for SNU Active Mentoring Program, which is a program that is operated by the SNU College of Education and Gwanak-gu of Seoul. SAM mentoring is a community service activity with the objective of providing a holistic education of heart-to-heart counseling, academic consulting and vision coaching to teenagers of the marginalized class in Gwanak-gu. Of course, an activity certificate is issued so it is recognized as experience and a small activity fee is given. Moreover, when 40 hours is completed, it is recognized as an educational community service credit.

    Activities are carried out for about 3 months which are largely mentor education and mentoring activities. Mentor education involves receiving a 2 hour orientation prior to carrying out the mentoring activities where counseling specialists provide guidance in a program called supervision for a 2 hour session once a month. The mentoring activities involve providing guidance to elementary, middle and high school students of Gwanak-gu for a 2 hour session twice a week based on the mentor education received. If you want to participate in the SAM mentoring, make sure to check the mySNU announcements and school email usually before the start of the semester (early February, June, August, December) and apply through the SAM mentoring homepage

    Phronesis Nanoome

    What is the Phronesis Nanoome?
    The Phronesis Nanoome is the official volunteer group that was founded in 2006 under the SNU Office of Student Affairs. The group plans and carries out various volunteer activities with the vision of "1 person 1 volunteer for SNU members" and community service activity becoming a part of life. The group operates a regular volunteer program during the semester, a "sharing class" program during vacation and plans various daily volunteer and sharing culture events to provide SNU students with the opportunity for various experiences. A representative activty is the "sharing class", which is an education community service for high school students during vacation, "hallabong", an education community service for elementary students during the semester and "daheen", an education community service for children with developmental disabilities during the semester. Refer to the Naver cafe for more information.

    Major Activity: Sharing Class
    The sharing class is the most representative activity of the Phronesis Nanoome where SNU students comprise teams to provide mentoring education community service in educationally marginalized regions. The goal is to provide better educational opportunity for students in educationally marginalized regions and instill university education and career motivations. The sharing class is carried out in different schools every vacation.

    The sharing class is conducted for 5 nights and 6 days which include 1) various study method programs for going to university, 2) non-study programs including counseling, interview, and discussion, 3) various career programs to help find a career path and 4) other programs like sports and recreational activities to create a stronger bond between the volunteer and the students.

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    Peer Tutoring Program

    The General Education Peer Tutoring Program is a program of the Faculty of Liberal Education to help undergraduate students teach each other and learn from each other. Outstanding seniors will be tutors to help and guide the tutees to complete the general education courses well and adapt to the school. Also, you the tutees can share your various experiences and cultural knowledge with the seniors to gain colleagues or peers to be with you throughout your university life.

    If you are selected as a tutee, you will meet a tutor for 2 hours or more for 1~2 times a week over a semester (March~June, September~December) to get personalized academic help to match the progress of the general education courses you are taking. Through the regular meeting with the tutor, you can establish a fellow student relationship and receive advice on having a successful university life. Any undergraduate student who needs personalized academic support in basic general education courses can apply to be a tutee. As shown below, if you are an undergraduate student taking Korean (College Writing 1, Elementary/Intermediate/Advanced Korean), College Writing 2: Writing in Humanities/Social Sciences/Science & Technology and English (English Foundations, College English 1, 2 and Advanced English) make sure to reap the benefits of the General Education Peer Tutoring Program.

    Korean and writing tutee - all undergraduate students (International Admission I and II, etc.) - planning to take a Korean or college writing* course
    (* College Writing 2 tutee applicants have to apply directly to the professor in charge)
    - students who need personalize academic support for a Korean or college writing course
    English tutee - all undergraduate students - planning to take elementary English, college English 1, 2 and advanced English

    You can check the details in the Faculty of Liberal Education homepage. Contact the operation office (+82-2-880-5447, for more information.